黎國強 婷婷團長 Kennis 鄭朗晴Janice 周穎珊老師 周慶茹老師 Sir 葉宝怡 劉Sir Kevin Lau Miss Crystal Hung Anna Kaylies 凱慧 美蕙 曉婷 Miss 張老師 劉戀老師 方荔
韓星舞(K Pop)
街頭舞 (Hip Hop)
爵士舞 (Jazz Dance)



展藝舞蹈學會BDPS 展藝舞蹈藝術院BDS Ballroom Dance Promotion Society 國標舞蹈促進協會 BDPS 任教老師 

兒童及青少年Hip Hop-K Pop 培訓導師 教學經驗豐富

中國 香港全港 Hip Hop公開大賽冠軍

中國 香港全港 Hip Hop 公開大賽 編舞大獎

舞團 派往外國表演及比賽 獲得最高優異成縝

派學員參加 中國 香港 全港HIP Hop 公開大賽,取得 冠軍 亞軍 季軍,可見成績之高

參眾多學員考取 國際舞蹈理事會CID 業餘國際認證證書 HIGHLY COMMENDED

亦派前往各區 幼稚園、小學、中學、會所、社團、社區、各大公商機構任教


展藝舞蹈學會BDPS 展藝舞蹈藝術學院BDS Ballroom Dance Promotion Society 國標舞蹈促進協會 BDPS 任教老師

兒童及青少年Hip Hop-K Pop 培訓導師 教學經驗豐富

Champion of the Hong Kong Hip Hop Open Competition in Hong Kong, China

Grand Choreographer Award, Hong Kong Hip Hop Open Competition, Hong Kong, China

The company sent overseas performances and competitions to achieve the highest outstanding results

Sent students to participate in the Hong Kong HIP Hop Open Competition in Hong Kong, China, and won the champion, runner-up and third runner-up, which shows the high results

參眾多學員考取 國際舞蹈理事會CID 業餘國際認證證書 HIGHLY COMMENDED

He is also sent to kindergartens, primary schools, middle schools, clubs, clubs, communities, and major public and commercial institutions in various districts to teach

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